channel, which if you watch it, you’ll know is really a multitude of diverse
channels, should definitely come with a warning label, a game plan…something!
Anyway, it
has a multitude of flaws. One of which
is that it allows AI (Artificial Intelligence), to pronounce words without the
benefit of oversight by an intelligent being of some sort. This makes for a
scenario of constant mistakes.
Also, in
what I would call a lazy effort, the channels pull up photos that do not belong
with the story being presented. The
characters usually look similar to the people, but are not necessarily
the people being discussed.
Probably no
one cares about this but me. And I end
up yelling at the tube in an effort to correct the mis-identification that is
being disseminated, “No, that is not Ida Lupino, it’s Dinah Shore”!
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