The father had been a minor player who had come up through the ranks by virtue of his sheer availability. It was certainly not because of any moral fortitude or advanced level of thinking on his part. The son had been a popular college student, and then, minor entrepreneur, getting ahead whenever and however he could, who now worked on behalf of his father in whatever capacity was required. But now the work started to bother him, some of the loathsome work that he had performed on behalf of his father had left an indelible mark on his very soul. Some sins do not disappear and just go away, no matter how hard you wish them to. In order to forget the more troublesome issues, the son had slipped into some bad habits including drinking too much and too often. Evaporating quickly was the self-delusion that the more loathsome deals he was dealing, and the wrong turns he was taking in life, were really alright. It would turn out OK in the end, he had told himself, ...
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