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Pronunciation Anyone?

  Having actually attended a French school for a few years, I can say with authority that this word:  “Voila,” is pronounced with a V in the beginning of the word.  That’s a V.  Voila, not a W.   Why everyone seems to go for the W is beyond me! Just one of those quirky, contagious mistakes, I guess.   So, it’s Voila! It means: “There it is” or “There you are.” As when you do a magic trick and it’s successful: you could say, Voila! (I did it, it’s done! Here it is!)   (For pronunciation of Voila, you know where to go:   your phone, of course.)

Here’s to the Unsung Hero Called: Mediocrity.

  I’m tired of hearing all the accolades, and seeing all the awards for superior performance and talent beyond compare. To incredible insights and going where no one has gone before, I say phooey! Where would you all be without: Average, Commonplace, or just Acceptable?   All comparisons would cease to exist. Here’s to all of those who cannot attain first prize, cannot be lauded as the best at something. Who’s to say that the average didn’t try their best, yearn the most but succeed the least. Life is a fickle fiend, spreading gifts of intelligence, creativity, and beauty to a few, and leaving in its wake the battered dreams of the many.

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