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Showing posts with the label Freedom

America & Monarchy

  There’s something about a monarchy that… America just doesn’t like. Oh, we ooh and aah about the beauty, precision, and discipline that the British military, for example, displays ceremonially. They are beyond compare, extraordinary, devoted. We’re impressed, maybe even fascinated but that’s as far it goes. What the British don’t see is the America spirit that can’t just go along because that’s the way it’s always been done.  Except for during war, Americans don’t like to just go along. We’re a feisty group. We still don’t want taxation without representation:  although now it comes from our own government. And all those other things that we didn’t want in 1776 at the founding of our nation, but now we have. For us we will always be a free and independent nation, that’s just the way we see it. 

On The other Hand (of Since You’ve Gone Away)

  I am free, really free for the first time in about fifty years! If I want to eat ice cream for breakfast there’s no one to question me. If I want to get a dog to go with my cat there’s no one to stop me. If I want to change religions (or go without); change diets, friends, or just television channels it’s all up to me. No matter what family or friends may think, or they may say:  I AM the ultimate authority over my own life. With taking into account that ultimate negotiator ugly as it is: money! (And the fact that a trusted relative or confident, whose advice you’ll actually take, is always most appreciated.)

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