An internationally, well-respected actor is now appearing in a film on a YouTube channel.
I won’t say his name…
I won’t name the other stars or cast…
Because I want to shield him.
Because he was a rare talent, a one-of-a-kind, and one of everyone’s favorites.
Now deceased, when he was young, he was truly beautiful…OK, then, handsome complete with a charming accent. (Maybe most accents seem charming to us, Americans, I admit.)
Now, as an older actor, he was still charming, but clearly should no longer be playing romantic leads.
When a close-up view of the back of his head appeared on the screen, wearing a large bald spot, really large, toupee-style large, then I became angry. The following scenes had the toupee in place, that’s how we know for certain that this lapse was a giant mistake.
It’s clear that no one on-staff at the film or in his employment had looked out for his interests, for his dignity, which I am certain included concealing missing hair.
There is usually a Continuity Person on the set, ready to catch just such a mistake. Unfortunately, it’s now too late to fire or chastise him or her for failing to perform his or her job.
The lesson being: You may have copious amounts of money and fame and glamour, but if no one’s looking out for you. If no one literally, has you back, then really you have much less than you ever thought.
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