What a juicy name! (I want to get a dog and
name it Yakutsk.)
Yakutsk, Siberia, Russia. Where it’s cold, the
temperature regularly falls below -58F/-50C in January. (But can go to
+86F/+30C in summer.) This is the coldest city in the world. So cold that they
put the water pipes above ground. And there is a tour of the permafrost
museum. (Permafrost is the frozen layer of soil, sand, gravel and ice, which as
the name suggests is permanently frozen and is just on or just under the
Earth’s surface.)
Yakuts are the indigenous people (about 450,000
of them) who are smart enough to survive here through the conquest of most
obstacles that would stop the rest of us in our tracks, and with the
ample employment of fur: reindeer, muskrat and fox.
Dress warm for Yakutsk when visiting October to
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