I am definitely NOT a therapist or medical technician of ANY kind. The advice I offer is simply what works for me—coming from a past history of falling many times (including down the cellar steps [and breaking my hip in the process]).
How I Try NOT To Fall:
- Clear the area around your bed so that it’s a No-Fall zone.
- Do not turn around in any way that is not SLOW, this includes full and half circles.
- Use a bed rail for adults (secured by your mattress).
- When getting out of bed at all times, hold on to the bed rail, rise then wait
- Wait to get your balance, your
equilibrium, your sense of where you are and where you are going.
- Put all pet toys in one corner of every room (away from where you walk) OR if your pet moves them around, put them away at night.
- Be aware of where you cat or dog, or whatever, is. (Under your feet or about to trip you is not a good location.)
- Have night lights as you go.
- Remove small rugs. It’s either them or you.
- Mark the edges of large carpets with bright dayglo tape. All edges should be easily seen.
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