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Showing posts from May, 2024

Cash Jordan

  An Internet personality for our times. Cash is in real estate:   leasing apartments in New York City.   He likes some questionable properties if you ask me, but maybe it’s because he is the most optimistic person on the planet. Not that there is anything wrong with that. He also dissects the neighborhoods that the properties are in. He speaks of relevant issues such as:   the safety of the location, available transportation, and local places he can personally recommend. Cash also takes trips outside the boroughs of New York.   He takes his wife (Japanese born) and his two very sweet children to Japan occasionally.   Whether this is business or pleasure I don’t know, maybe a little of both. Wherever he goes for his videos, people seem to know and like him.   Why not?   Cash is a likeable guy, and sometimes his comments are really funny, but his thoughts are always original.

Here’s to the Unsung Hero Called: Mediocrity.

  I’m tired of hearing all the accolades, and seeing all the awards for superior performance and talent beyond compare. To incredible insights and going where no one has gone before, I say phooey! Where would you all be without: Average, Commonplace, or just Acceptable?   All comparisons would cease to exist. Here’s to all of those who cannot attain first prize, cannot be lauded as the best at something. Who’s to say that the average didn’t try their best, yearn the most but succeed the least. Life is a fickle fiend, spreading gifts of intelligence, creativity, and beauty to a few, and leaving in its wake the battered dreams of the many.

Where’d everybody go?

  Your family usually starting with the eldest members begin to disappear. One by one they leave.   At first, because you’re young, you don’t notice all that much, but eventually it all catches up with you, until you are forced to notice. This usually happens around the time you realize that you are now getting old. You lose a spouse or a parent, in other words a significantly essential person. Where’d they go? Unfortunately, we know…so start now having a few extra caring people around you.   You can never have enough of those. Having a loving pet is good, too.   And don’t forget to provide a caretaker for that pet for when you, yourself, disappear.

I have two juicy words to tell you about…

But unfortunately, I already forgot one of them! So, I better tell you about the other one quick! Loquacious .  It calls to mind all sorts of wonderful possibilities. But all it means is: “tending to talk a lot; that is, full of excessive talk.” (Which can be a positive or negative thing.) Some synonyms are: chatty and talkative. This word is pronounced as:  LUH+KWAY+SHUHS (A guide just in case.)   That’s it! But somehow, I expected more. 

So, you want to make a TV commercial…

  If you watch some ads you may get a taste of what not to do, as for instance in the bathroom redo commercial,  complete with a sing-song delivery as the speaker’s voice goes up at the end of each and every sentence (to drive the listeners truly nuts!). Also, speak clearly and enunciate each word. Unlike the commercial done by a faux children’s band where (I must admit that this was quite an achievement), the little lead actor did the entire recording without moving his lips or jaws! And, this is important, if the audience cannot remember the name of the product or service right after viewing the commercial, then technically that ad is a dud, a failure.  An award-winning professional in the industry told me that.  He should have called it "Commercial-Making 101." ) 

Just me and my cane..

  I am using a cane more often these days.   Fact is that I spent so much time looking for the cane that I resurrected another one, which is a big klutzy, ugly thing. Now I spend my time looking for two canes. I am going to put some flashing lights on them, or cow bells, or something.

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