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Did you ever notice, or is it just me...

  that the latest thing that is presently acknowledged to be better than sliced bread, is really not all that original or great after all? In fact, given the money and opportunity, you probably could have done it much better yourself. So don’t be discouraged; the world needs that positive idea, artwork, book, blog that is presently swimming around in your head. You got this!

The Seasons

  Seasons come and go all on their own.   No one cues them; gives them the “all clear.” They just get on with it, and show up at our doors, on our roofs, in our gardens. Summer leaves us with no kicking and screaming, though some of us would do so if it would help. With winter shoved into our lives whether we want it or not.   Which we do not…most decidedly want:   The cold mornings, the expensive heating fuel, the scratchy sweaters, the cold coffee, the gray, bleak days, which seem to last forever.   Just d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g on. Until one morning while taking out the trash, we feel the soft caress, and sweet kiss of spring. Oh, thank goodness, sanity and beauty return!

Repo! The Genetic Opera

 In the mood for something spooky this fall? Look no further than Repo! The Genetic Opera. This hard rock Opera movie, has songs with great lyrics, blood, and a great premise. A bleak future where people seek perfection through constant surgeries; sound familiar? Only if you miss a payment, they repo back what they operated on. Paul Sorvino is a powerhouse as the head of the company that performs these surgeries. Alexa PenaVaga belts out ballads that will have you rebelling against your own inherited genetics. Anthony Head is tortured Repoman forced to do all the dirty work to protect his family. But my favorite character is the mysterious Graverobber, who wrote the movie. You won't be disappointed with this movie.

Love and Redemption

 Is an epic Chinese fantasy drama that is larger that the three realms it inhabits. Friendship, betrayal, family, love; this drama has it all. The female lead is dealt a seemingly insurmountable fate, while the dreamy male lead tries to protect her from all dangers, even from herself. There is humor along the way and even quests. Paired with beautiful backgrounds and fantasy animals, demons and deities, it is like a video game come to life.  Highly recommend for anyone who loves fantasy. Just be prepared for a long emotional journey. I watched this on Amazon prime.


  In 1869, a French chemist named Hippolyte Mège-Mouries created a new “butter,” made from beef fat.   It was supposed to have a longer shelf life than real butter, and be an overall hardier product. So, in 1895, the butter industry, or whatever it was called, banned yellow margarine. This meant that you could only buy white margarine. Segue to the early 1950s… Now, I’ve seen white margarine. It’s not appetizing, but that’s the point. So, you had to mix the yellow coloring with the white margarine glop. They came in a plastic bag, but in two different compartments in the bag that you had to squish together.   I loved to do this.   It was a fun job when you’re five! (I, myself, prefer the taste of butter.)

Love is Blind

Many, that’s the word for this program:   This is many episodes of many shows, which occur in many languages, and many countries at this point. And, yes, this series has been on for many years. The plot is couples getting to know each other sight unseen, through conversations only, which occur in small isolated rooms known as “pods.” Don’t get your hopes up because the success rate for these couples is very low.   Usually just one couple (out of 5 to 7) makes it to the altar and then beyond, staying together. The reasons are easy to spot:   The couples are often made up of emotionally wounded people, waiting for something else bad to happen to them.   Plus, these are people who don’t know each other well. They are really almost complete strangers, so each stone in the road of their relationship becomes an insurmountable boulder. With little knowledge, with little trust, with no firm foundation to build on, and just the beginning feelings of love and commitment, is it no wonder

The Titanic

  In the 1980s, exhibitions of Titanic material started to tour. (I think they are still touring today in some form.) My husband and I were Titanic junkies at the time. It was an emotional experience going to one of these productions. We went to Memphis, Tennessee; Boston, Massachusetts; and Atlantic City, New Jersey to view the sacred artifacts from the Titanic. And they did feel sacred. All the objects owned, valued or used by so many people who died needlessly in such a tragic way. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about you should come up for air from under that rock.) The Boston exhibit was the most exciting because the “Big Piece” had just been raised on August 10, 1998, from the grips of the ocean. My husband memorialized the event of our touching the large piece of the starboard hull on September 26, 1998, with a kind of a plaque for our stairway wall. It wasn’t just a keyhole that you stuck you finger in, as so many Titanic exhibitions give you for just a touch.

The Painted Veil

  Another excellent movie available on YouTube is:   The Painted Veil based on the story by the well-known writer, Somerset Maugham. The main characters, Kitty and Water Fane (Naomi Watts and Edward Norton) start out as unhappily matched, but end up coming together as a couple in love.   Unfortunately, it’s too late. Described as a “Chinese period romance,” with a backdrop of the real event of the cholera epidemic in early 1900s China.   (It should be said that any movie in which Edward Norton is involved can be counted on as being really good because the man is both creative and a perfectionist!) The supporting cast includes Diana Rigg and Toby Jones.   Highly recommended by this author.

Movies to go…

  to go for! Did you know that YouTube has free movies! And some of them are really good, and well worth watching again or for the first time. One example is Dangerous Liaisons (the Chinese version.) Starring the very attractive actors: Zhang Ziyin, Jang Dong-gun and Cecila Cheung, who form an appealing and most accomplished cast. (A mention must be made for the director as well, Hur Jin-ho.) The plot is the sexual dares of two of the characters which end in disaster for all the characters.   Love triumphs just so far.   You know the chance for a happy ending all around is very slim, but this movie captures your interest (and, yes, your heart) until the very end.   Watch this one. You won’t be disappointed!


  To clear up a common mistake… Hieroglyphs refers to the characters themselves used in Egyptian writing, such as an animal or bird.   Hieroglyphic is the adjective to describe this writing system, which is:   A system using pictures to represent words or sounds.

I went to the UPS store the other day…

  The temperature was about 102 degrees, really no kidding. As I walked in, melting as I went and actually feeling ill by way of both the heat and the humidity, the clerk asked me how I was. I replied: “How do I look? That’s how I am.” He said nothing at that point.   Smart man. However, when I left, he ran ahead to open the door for me.   Good job!

You say potato and I say potah to…

  The Island of Grenada is pronounced in English as Gruh na duh with a long “a” as in the words: “gate” and “date.” Not Gruh nah da (a city in Spain). (Actually, I think both are OK but the island and cruise ships say the long A version.) With apologies to grammarians, my computer will not comply with the proper symbols for all of this, although I know what they should be...I think!

Success Carter

  OK, it’s an improbable name.   But this person’s reviews on YouTube are really worth watching if you’re interested in any way in fashion mixed with humor. Because if I want to have a few good laughs,  I automatically sign on to Success Carter. I don’t always agree with his opinion, but I love his interesting, almost unintelligible accent. (You’ll get used to it.) As well as his commentary and made-up words such as: “regular-smegular.” Maybe he’s an acquired taste.   I don’t know, except that I enjoy my taste every few days of the award shows featuring clothes and their designers as reviewed by Success.   What a great name!

Soliloquy for me and anyone else who has lost a spouse or life partner.

  Death is not clean and easy. You just don’t continue with your life as before. Death is messy and brutish, unforgettable and inescapable. It’s a nuisance nightmare you don't want. Because of Death, there is no second chance, no do-over. There’s no fixing, no repair, no starting again, no next chapter. As a consequence, there is no longer membership for you in that great brother- and sisterhood of being in love. You are no longer in love. You are now in Death.    

IF you grew up in the Kennedy Era…

  Get this Book NOW, I’m not kidding. Ask Not:   The Kennedys and the Women they Destroyed by Maureen Callahan This is an important writing, a documentation, for which those of us who were around at the time have been waiting. Finally, after all these years, and all the lies, we get to learn the truth.   And Ms. Callahan has assured us that she has made it her priority to seek out, research, validate and give us the truth…at last. I was so interested in this book that I purchased it in hard cover, something I never do. Glue your socks on because they will surely pop off while reading this page-turner. I don’t know where to start, I actually haven’t even finished the book yet. There are a few more pages to go. For those of you, who don’t know:   In the sixties the Kennedys were our royalty in America. Royalty guarded by a press which closely protected the Kennedy image, the mystical, almost religious Kennedy aura. But in actuality, many of the Kennedy men were monsters i

In the 1950’s…

  before there was a known cure for the disease, mothers on summer nights would tell their children not to go collecting fireflies. “They might give you Polio, they’d say.” I know, because I had one such mother.

A Review of Two Examples of Dating Shows (on the channel that has everything)

  I have watched many of these shows wherein you have to check your humanity, taste, decency, morals, and values at the door first.   Really! The only exception that I found, during my research, was a Korean relationship-matching program called: Love After Divorce.   This was a good show with actual values, and participants looking for long-term relationships not just the carnal knowledge of overnight hook-ups. (It should be noted that I only watched one season of this show, which I think was Season Four.) At the other end of this sampling of dating shows is:   Perfect Match.   The only thing good about this show is the host, Nick Lachey. How he got pulled into this mess, well it could only be for one (monetary?) reason. Perfect Match, is, well, it’s pretty disgusting, and it’s not just the gratuitous nudity (which comes to desensitize you completely to the fact that these people are essentially always without most of their clothing), but rather, it’s the absolute lack of any red

Kilos and Brain Fog

 Here is the perfect example of post migraine brain fog. I have to call every year to get an online access code. The polite gentleman on the phone said he would spell it out phonetically, "Juliet." Okay that's a J. "The number 4." That's easy. "Kilo." My mind went blank. Then I had stream of conscious thoughts. How do you spell kilo? It's not a q that would be quinoa.  "Delta." Oh it was a K and now a D. Who uses Kilo for k? Why not Kanagroo or Kindness? Maybe he is from somewhere else where they use kilograms instead of pounds? "Sierra." This guy must have been in the military. I should thank him for his service. "Papa." Papa? Like in Papa Emeritus IV from Ghost? (Bonus points for anyone who knows that reference.)  "November." Maybe not the military.... "Mike." How long is this code? Should this be typed in all capital letters?  He finished relaying the excessively long access code and even sta

So very many things…to put off doing!

  There are so very many things that I don’t feel like doing, at least not right now, maybe ever. For example: the dishes and the laundry, which I’m sure are part rabbit in that there is never an end, they keep multiplying, they keep existing. Then there is going to the supermarket, which at today’s prices amounts to an act of courage. I never leave there with everything I want or even need, because all of that just costs too much.   So, I put off going until the cat is down to a few cans of food and I am down to no bread for toast. I don’t put off talking to my cousin or a friend on the phone, or eating a pepperoni pizza, or taking a well-deserved nap. Why? Because those things are enjoyable. If only I could make everything seem enjoyable. But I don’t see how that’s possible without the use of major drugs, which I don’t have and would not use if I did! So, I will just continue to procrastinate (put off intentionally and habitually something that should be done), until as usual

I have just finished watching…

  The Veil on Hulu. This is a very convoluted series of 6 episodes.   If like me you are left with questions, I suggest you go on-line and do a little research.   Or you can stress yourself out trying to figure all the plot twists and turns by yourself. Is it worth the effort? In a word: YES! This show is excellent. It’s sharp, it’s edgy. It’s keeps you off balance, not knowing what will happen next. It has an international cast, most of whom are extremely attractive, and more than that, they are talented. Elisabeth Moss is not one of my favorites, but the fact that she was one of the executive producers who put this show together, speaks well of her. It should be mentioned that the writer for this project and another executive producer is Steven Knight. If you like spy thrillers, interesting characters, and a production (except for the music which is peculiar at best and jarring at worst), that is well done on a professional level then this series is for you. Of possib

Stanley Steamer not Stanley Steemer

  (Stanley Steamer, as in the car, not the cleaning company, Stanley Steemer.) The Stanley Motor Carriage Company was an American manufacturer of cars—steam cars—from 1902 to 1924. The first model was produced in 1897; the inventors were twin brothers Francis and Freelan. At one time the steam-powered passenger car was extremely popular.   It was clean, powerful, attractive and fast, but very complicated to drive. It took 17 steps to start the car, and wait for the steam pressure to build up.   The traveling speed was 35 to 45 miles per hour, and it had a 28-gallon tank, which was heated with vaporized kerosene. Unfortunately, these cars fell victim to the superiority of the internal combustion vehicles, which had improved quickly, even using an electric starter instead of the original crank, notorious for actually injuring the operator. With the use of the self-starter and the end of the hand crank, gasoline-fueled cars became the obvious winner, being so much easier to oper

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